Alaturi de Japonia!

Cutremurul din 11 martie 2011 a rupt scoarta terestra pe o suprafaţă de 400 de kilometri lungime şi 160 de kilometri lăţime.

Cel de-al cincilea cutremur ca intensitate din lume, de 8,8 magnitudine, s-a produs în momentul în care placa tectonică a Pacificului a alunecat sub placa tectonică a Americii de Nord, fapt ce a apropiat Japonia de SUA cu 4 metri.

Pagubele materiale sunt imense iar numarul mortilor si cel a disparutilor in continua crestere.

In aceste momente dramatice pentru Japonia si pentru poporul japonez va invitam sa fim alaturi de acestia.

Va invitam sa postati aici mesaje de incurajare, gandurile dumneavoastra pentru semenii nostri japonezi.

Un proiect sustinut de:

Pentru a citi mesajele de incurajare transmise pana acum si pentru a transmite un mesaj va rugam apasati butonul de mai jos!


  1. Dear Japanese people,

    Please receive my regrets for the huge loses in human lives and economical damages your country has.
    I am deeply sad about the big suffering you are passing and words can not express the feelings I had when saw what happened to your country with the earth quake, tsunami, nuclear problems.
    So many people dead! So many people lost everything! So many people crying!

    My friends and other romanian people keep their hearths close to you in the tragic moments you are passing.
    This extreme situation showed once again your admirable character, the force and the power to face out this extremely difficult situation.

    You are an exceptional people and I’m sure the sun will rise soon and all happened will soon remain a past moment from which all of us will take example how you, all the Japanese people, understand to behave and to brave out all this extremly big pain.

    God be with you!


    Cristina Ursan

  2. From my professional experience i know that main resource from Japan is the human resource. Disaster has afected large sectors from social, administrative and economy areas but the discipline and strong spirit of japanese nation are the engine for a new reconstruction.
    Me and all my collegues from Romanian National Agency for Agricultural Consultancy Network are with you and we hope that all our friends and their families are safe. Also for the entire japaneese nation we send our compassion, regrets and the hope that everything will be back to normal as soon as possible.

  3. La finele lunii martie am participat la o intalnire a Kaizen CLub la Bucuresti. Participau oameni care impartaseau principiile unei filosofii care vine din Japonia si care a facut inconjurul lumii… Cu totii au avut un gand de respect si compasiune pt Japonia dupa nimicitorul cutremur si tsunami. Impresioneza acum , ca si in alte situatii forta acestui popor de a depasi situatii extreme, de a cladi cu perseverenta piatra peste piatra…. Ionela Stancu

  4. Japonia = demnitate, compasiune, detasare, ancorare in prezent… fara iluzii.

    Sincere condoleante si respect pentru tot ce inseamna cultura si civilizatia japoneza.

    Avem multe de invatat de la acest popor. De la atitudinea fata de catastrofe, fata de moarte, dar si tot ce inseamna educarea unui copil, formarea lui, pana la gingasia si profunzimea poemelor Zen.

    Mai trebuie sa invatam de la acest popor intelept cum sa ne detasam fata de greutatile vietii.

    Japonia este un Maestru demn de urmat.

    Cu respect,
    Cala si Cezara Christian

  5. Taria de care Japonia a dat intotdeauna dovada o va ajuta sa treaca peste aceasta cumplita incercare. Gandurile noastre bune sunt alaturi de ea.

  6. Un popor demn care va trece si peste aceasta nenorocire…sunteti un exemplu pentru intreaga omenire,felul in care v-ati mobilizat in situatii de criza…respect si un gind bun….

  7. Sunt alaturi de voi, si de asemenea admir spiritul vostru de supravietuire si taria de caracter.
    Daca noi eram loviti ca si voi, 10 ani ne-am fi lins ranile si am fi cerut ajutor, fara sa invatam ca trebuie sa punem si osul la treaba … voi stiti asta si o dovediti mereu.
    Sincere condoleante pentru cei morti si tarie de caracter si dirzenie pentru cei ramasi.

  8. …astazi Yutaka Asami sensei ne-a scris ca a facut primul antrenament de Kendo de dupa cutremur si tsunami. A fost prima data, de acea incomensurabila tragedie, cand m-am gandit la Japonia fara un nod de lacrimi. Toata admiratia mea pentru japonezi, pentru demnitatea, curajul si discretia cu care au trait in iadul dezlantuit.

  9. Denke und bette für euch.Ich bin jetzt ein japaner.

  10. Am fost si sunt inca ingrijorat. Prietenii mei din Japonia sunt bine. Am vorbit cu ei. Sunt cu sufletul alaturi de familiile indoliate, de intregul popor japonez. Stiu ca sunt intr-un impas pe care-l vor depasi curand.

  11. We all have learned and witnessed by means of massmedia, about the catastrophe that struck Japan these days. Although we all knew that Japan is a country with frequent earthquakes, we did not expect a disaster of this extent to happen to the country we appreciate so much.

    Confronting the forces of nature, one may feel helpless. But we know that the Japanese people is resilient, hard working and diligent, and by that we are all convinced that they will succeed not only to overcame this tragedy, but also to rebuilt their homes and lives as they were before.

    Our hearts are with the people of Japan.

  12. Toate gandurile bune sa va insoteasca si sa va ajute.
    Sunteti un exemplu pentru oameni. Atat de loviti, dar atat de demni.
    Dumnezeu sa va ajute!

  13. Nu am crezut ca am sa pling vreodata pentru japonezi!!!! Prin ce-ati trecut si treceti,este un semnal de alarma dat umanitatii. Sufletul meu plinge alaturi de voi. Sint convinsa ca veti gasi puterea sa renasteti. Stiu ca e putin,dar sper ca gindul meu bun petru voi sa va sustina. Dzeu sa va ocroteasca !!!

  14. Suntem cu gandul la ei. Este o tragedie imensa pentru ei si afecteaza pe toata lumea.

  15. Suntem alaturi de voi in aceste momente cumplite. Ne rugam sa gasiti forta sa treceti peste aceste teribile pierderi.
    Sunt sigura ca Japonia isi va reveni!

    Laura Florescu

  16. intregul mesaj aici: JAPONIA / O lectie de viata cat un ‘TSUNAMI’

    De aici, de pe cealalta parte de lume ma simt cumva inutila si poate mai constienta – dupa toate cele intamplate – de faptul ca iata, natura poate schimba asa zise ordini mondiale.
    Sau poate .. nu doar natura…
    Evolutia asta continua in toate domeniile, noi si incapacitatea noastra de a ne multumi cu lucrurile simple …!!?
    Cred ca toate astea la un loc, si Dumnezeu mai presus de toate.

    Aseara am fost in Piata Operei cu colegii de la Greenpeace pentru a transmite un mesaj de solidaritate.
    Zeci de lampioane de lumina au fost lansate pe apa.
    Un gest simbolic de comemorare si sustinere pentru Japonia.

    Le doresc tuturor celor afectati dar mai ales celor care in ultima saptamana mi s-au lipit de suflet, fetelor DC din Japonia, sa fie feriti de necazurile grave si sa treaca cu bine peste aceste incercari.
    Julie, Hannen, SabinaY, Nati, Michiyan, Eli, Ayumi, Kawaichan, Michiyan va sunt recunoscatoare si va multumesc din suflet pentru lectia pe care eu am invatat-o de la voi.
    Toate gandurile mele calde. Dumnezeu sa va aiba in paza.

    Omenirea cred ca trebuie sa traga o linie si sa faca un bilant.
    Sper ca acest moment al tsunami ului din Japonia va constitui lectia necesara dar si suficienta pentru Planeta Pamant si pentru toti cei care fac ordinea mondiala.


  17. “Vom fi ce-am fost si mai mult decat atat” a spus Petru Rares, fiul lui Stefan cel Mare, domnitor al Moldovei.
    Sunt sigur ca poporul japonez nu se va da batut in fata acestor greutati, si in 5 ani va fi din nou in fruntea economiei mondiale.
    Ii admir pentru puterea, devotamentul si daruinta de care dau dovada pentru a-si ajuta semenii.

  18. Furia naturii nu poate fi oprita am inteles cu totii asta nu putem face nimic; dar am putea totusi sa fim alaturi de cei in suferinta,sa ne rugam pentru ei, stim ca vor reusi sa depaseasca toate greutatile, avem toata admiratia pentru acest popor.

  19. Admirably Japanese people,

    Shaken look at the news and see a painful reality a two weeks after Japan earthquake. Tears are not enough to express my sorrow and regret for the catastrophe these days witch through the Japanese people and Japan. However, this hardworking and proud people give the whole world a lesson of survival with dignity.It was the greatest honor of my life to know your people and live with him six weeks to remember all my life. It is painful to see on TV, places they’ve seen an unreal perfection, that are now ruinsand the inhabitants are no more. I pray for you and cry your pain. I told everyone I know how wonderful you are as a people and country. A developed country today suffer from lack of water,heat and food is a great injustice! It seems everything is a big nightmare and not a painful fact of your history.
    God bless you and be reborn as the Phoenix bird to how much time in your long history. You deserve all the respect the world, also deserve everything good and peaceful for you hardworking and dignified people.
    With a sincere and profound respect ,
    Alice Nadas
    from Romania
    Training course IDACA 2004

  20. My deep compasion to all the people of Japan. God be with you in such dramatic moments. Remain what you are: united, highly disciplined, and hard working people. This way you will prevail once more. We are all praying for your fast recovery.

    • Admirable Japanese people,
      Shaken look at the news and see a painful reality to a week after Japan quake. Tears are not enough to express my sorrow and regret for the catastrophe these days witch through the Japanese people and Japan. However, this hardworking and proud people give the whole world a lesson of survival with dignity.It was the greatest honor of my life to know your people and live with him six weeks to remember for life. It is painful to see on TV, places they’ve seen an unreal perfection, that are now ruinsand the inhabitants are no more. I pray for you and cry your pain al most every day.

      God bless you and be reborn as the Phoenix bird to how much time in your longhistory. You deserve all the respect the world, also deserve everything good and beautiful for your people.
      With a sincere and profound respect an participant in a training course in 2004 at IDACA,
      Alice Nadas
      from Romania

  21. Eu si familia mea.ginerele si fata impreuna cu nepotelul ne rugam ca poporul japonez sa aiba puterea de a trece peste aceasta grea incercare si pierdere si cu ajutorul semenilor sa depaseasca momentul.

  22. Condoleante poporului japonez. Orice s-ar spune este prea putin, cuvintele sint prea mici comparativ cu dorerea resimtita de ei. Sintem alaturi de voi!

  23. Nu-mi gasesc cuvintele, sa treci printr-o asemenea suferinta intr-un mod atat de darz si de civilizat este grau de imaginat.
    Sper ca toate gandurile bune din lume sa se indrepte catre poporul japonez pentru a-l ajuta intru refacerea si renasterea lui.
    Dumnezeu sa va ajute!

  24. Imi este greu sa exprim ceea ce am simtit urmarind imaginile la televizor. M-au indurerat casele prabusite, gradinile umplute de resturi si mal. Dar mai presus de toate este suferinta oamenilor. Numarul coplesitor al celor morti si disparuti, al celor ramasi fara adapost. Ma rog pentru ei, sa poata trece de aceasta incercare cumplita, ca totul sa ramana doar o amintire dureroasa.

  25. Suntem alaturi de voi in incercarea aceasta. Stim ca este greu si dureros, dar mai stim ca veti reusi sa depasiti toate greutatile si sa reintrati pe fagasul normal al vietii

  26. Sunt alaturi de poporul japonez la greaua suferinta generata de cutremurul si tsunami devastator cu care s-a confruntat in primavara acestui an .Fie ca forta si taria japonezilor sa recladeasca tot ceea ce catastrofa naturala a distrus . Dumnezeu sa va uneasca si sa redeveniti ceea ce ati fost si nu numai atat . Poporul japonez a biruit intotdeauna fortele naturii.
    dr. ing Serbu Ion- specialist irigatii

  27. Sunt cu sufletul alaturi de poporul japonez! Natura v-a supus unor incercari crancene, cerand tribut vieti omenesti, case, localitati intregi. Trauma fizica si sufleteasca este greu de imaginat, nu pot decat sa va doresc putere multa si sa va ajute Dumnezeu sa va mobilizati sa redeveniti ceea ce ati fost!
    Va felicit, insa, pentru demnitatea, bunul simt si disciplina de care ati dat dovada chiar si in aceste momente de groaza!

  28. Dear Japanese people,

    I”m very sorry for this disaster !

    But I”m a 100% confident that your strong spirit and discipline will put you out from all the damages .

    Along a hundred years you demonstrade that you are stronger than any disaster ! And any disaster maked you stronger and stronger !

    This time will be the same !

    God be with you !

  29. In numele Companiei de Apa Aries SA Turda transmitem un mesaj de compasiune pentru familiile japoneze indoliate, un mesaj de sustinere pentru intreg poporul japonez si nu in ultimul rand unul de admiratie pentru demnitatea si curajul de care da dovada Japonia in aceste clipe. In numele celor 260 salariati ai Companiei de Apa Aries Sa Turda,
    Director General
    Alexandru Sabau

  30. For such a deep sorrow, I have contacted my Japanese friends sending my compassion. Bellow are my messages to these exceptional people, Japan has to be very proud about its nation showing an example that all countries need to follow for a better and more united world.

    Dear Prof. Goda,
    I am again impressed by your fast response and detailed presentation of the real facts your country is facing these moments.
    The nature’s challenge is sometimes overwhelming human capacities, but always there are some nations that are doing their best to raise from scratches and your last words are impressive:”most of works will become normal in a few weeks more”.Congratulation.

    Yes, I am in Turkey trying to contribute under the MONINFO project in developing of a Black Sea monitoring and information system in case of an oil spill pollution since the oil traffic in the region is increasing with growing risks.

    We’ll keep further in touch to hear good news.
    Kind regards,

    —– Forwarded Message —-

    To: Dumitru DOROGAN
    Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 12:35:53 AM
    Subject: Re: Compassion

    Dear Mr. Dorogan,

    Thank you very much for your condoleance.

    The earthquake of March 11 had the Magnitude ~9.0 which is ranked No. 4 in the past 100 years. The fault zone extended over 500 km by 200 km. An early tsunami simulation indicated the tsunami height of 10 m with some area reaching 20 m. There are many evidences that tsunami ran to the elevation of 20 m and five-storied buildings were fully submerged by tsunami. A few years ago, we have completed the tsunami breakwater in Kamaishi which is larger than the Ofunato breakwater, but the tsunami overflowed the breakwaters and a huge amount of seawater rushed into the city. The damage is so devastating that we are so numbed to feel sadness for deceased people. The total death toll may exceed twenty thousands with many people still missing.

    When the earthquake hit Japan, I was in the company office building which swayed slowly for several minutes. Fortunately, no damage took place to the building. However, we could not go home because all the public transport(trains) stopped operation. So I spent the night by taking a nap on a chair
    till the morning. On the next day (March 12), trains began operation gradually and I could go home by the noon. My family is OK without any injury.

    Nearly three hundred thousand people in the affected area are staying at evacuation sites, but supply of food and other necessities are scarce because many highways are blocked by debris by earthquakes and tsunamis.
    Petroleum supply is not enough because of transport problem. Railways are not in operation yet.

    Japan has another serious problem of nuclear power plants which could not stop melting of atomic fuel. Emergency cooling water pumps were all out of function because the generators were inundated. The Government and the Tokyo Electricity Company are doing their best, but the system is not controlled yet. Because of the stoppage of nuclear power plants, the electricity supply is not sufficient. Electricity supply is stopped for a
    few hours from a zone to another zone by rotation. We have to endure inconvenience for some days to come.

    When the degree of calamity becomes clarified, the Government will make the national rehabilitation plan and execute it with utmost efforts. I hope most of works will become normal in a few weeks more.

    Best regards,

    Dr. Yoshimi Goda
    Professor Emeritus at Yokohama National University
    Adviser to ECOH Corporation
    ECOH Corporation, Ueno-Takeuchi Bld.
    2-6-4 Kita-Uneno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0014, Japan




    Kazuko Diaconu


    Dear Friends,
    There is such an extraordinary event I have no words to express my
    compassion for the Japanese people.
    In these tragic moments the whole world is admiring your unity and
    solidarity never seen in other places in similar extreme situations.
    Please receive my regrets for huge loses in human lives and economical
    damages Japan is facing these moments.
    Let me know if I can be helpful somehow


    Dorogan Dumitru
    MONINFO Project Expert
    Permanent Secretariat
    Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
    Cevre ve Orman Il Mudurlugu
    Buyukdere Caddesi, No 265, Maslak
    34398 Sisli,Istanbul,Turkey

  31. mesajul tau

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